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"BigData" and its "3 Vs" is a marketing term.  It is more of a "what" and not a "how".  Like how do you make its use a reality?  Your reality is your revenue.  Your revenue comes from turning data into information and information into competitive advantage.  DFHEINZ, LLC is part of a consulting/training consortium that specializes in creating declaratively defined data service topologies.  Simply stated, we can create data conduits connecting all of your systems  (new and old) so they can share data and data analysis with out changing the way you do business.  In all cases, it is without changing anything about your existing systems.  Interesting, isn't it?


If your systems change or the data they require changes, the changes to the topology are done declaratively.  Yes, like writing a recipe and letting the oven create whats on the recipe.  Also, if the recipe changes, just give the oven the new recipe.


Our declarative topology approach removes the overhead and cost that comes from an archaic imperative programming approach; You know, a lot of programmers, a lot of time to rip open existing, hard-to-maintain soft ware to add yet-another capability, a lot of testing and lot of hard to measure dollars being deducted from your margin until maybe, just maybe, you get what you need, that is, until its time to make another change.


We can show you the state of the technology, whether you are interested in the Apache Hadoop Ecosystem, the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack, Pivotals SpringXD, GemFire and Pivotal HD components or the offerings from Amazon. These are just a few of the"BigData" frameworks available.  We believe you should know about the pros and cons of each framework to make an informed decision for your organization.   We can show you how to be successful with each one of these frameworks or a mixture of any or all. This is only the beginning.


After you have decided upon technology, we can train you and then show you how to harvest your current assets and reuse them to "train" any of the above mentioned "BigData" frame works.  This means that because we are using your existing subject matter expertise (SME) you have a shorter time to market (TTM) and a lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Shorter TTM and lower TCO mean finally realizing a return on investment (ROI) sooner and beating your competitors in the race to benefitting from the BigData that is flooding your competitive space.


As the entry point into a world-wide consortium of BigData expertise, DFHEINZ, LLC begins with understanding your problem, focusing on your goal and evincing a step-by-step roadmap to success.  The first step of this roadmap is education.


We believe in your self-reliance.  We believe that the more you know about the frameworks you are using, the less dependent you become upon expensive support agreements.


We do not offer support agreements.  We educate and fabricate.  We then help you take your proof-of-concept or prototype to production.  With both framework knowledge and empirical lessons-learned, we transfer our knowledge and processes to you.  From that point on, you make the revenue.  You own and know your topology of services.  If you need further assistance, we can provide a helping hand when you need it. 



Training.  It has to start here.  DFHEINZ, LLC is a training provider of all the major BigData Solutions.  


Our training can be performed on-site or via our on-line learning management system, BigLMS.


We are training re-sellers and certified training partners of  HortonWorks.  We can provide Hortonworks course ware covering every component of the Hortonworks HDP at a highly competitive price.


We offer training on most Apache Software Foundation projects including, but not limited to Core Hadoop, Ambari Pig, Cassandra, HBase, Hive, Oozie, Flume, Kafka, Storm, S4, Mesos.


We offer training on the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack such as Mesos, Tachyon, Spark, Spark Streaming, the-project-formerly-known-as-Shark, BlinkDB, SparkGraph(XGraph) and MLBase


We offer training on the Pivotal BigData components from Spring, Cloud Foundry, GemFire and GemFire XD, Spring Batch, Spring Integration, SpringXD, Hawq and PivotalHD.


We offer training on the AWS and the Amazon Cloud Services.









“Integrating big data frameworks transparently"

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